Can Hashimotos Thyroiditis be Reversed?

I can’t begin to tell you how much this post means to me after living with Hashimotos Thyroiditis for over 15 years! Now, before I attempt to answer this question, let me remind you that I am NOT a doctor and cannot give a definitive answer myself. But if you’ve ever wondered, “How Can I Reverse Hashimotos Thyroidits?”, this is the post for you!  I am sure once you watch the video at the end of this post from someone much more capable of answering this question, you will be as excited as I am.

However, before you watch the video, I want to assure you that it is not common for me to post videos or information that I do not have some personal experience with. My blog is more about “my journey” than populating it with “hearsay”.  I can tell you that this Doctor is for real. How do I know? Well, I had a consultation in person with him today. When he says he goes through your case with a fine tooth comb, he is not joking! That is a breath of fresh air. If you’ve been on top of the newest breakthroughs with Hashimoto’s Disease, largely publicized through the book by Dr. Datis Kharrazian “Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When My Lab Tests Are Normal? A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Understanding Hashimoto’s Disease and Hypothyroidism”, you may be very interested in doctors who use a similar protocol.

Although Dr. Robert Boydston of The Boyston Institute has his own special protocol, it is very similar to the that in Dr. Kharrazian’s book. In fact, I think Dr. Boydston’s protocol is a bit friendlier towards my leanings for a healing process. In the end, get to a doctor that looks at your whole body, your symptoms, takes the time to listen to you and get the necessary tests in order to determine the best course of treatment for YOUR particular needs. Everyone is different and that is what makes this approach so promising. It is defined by a “whole body approach” as determined through the needed lab tests AND how you progress through treatment.

Now, some of you might be saying, “thanks but he is too far away from me”. Well, I have great news. Although it would be best if you could make it to his office, Dr. Boydston is now accepting phone consultations and long distance treatment options. Just sign up for his newsletter and take the time to decide if his approach is right for you! I can’t tell you how excited I am to be working with someone that really cares. Don’t miss this great opportunity to get help even if it needs to be over the phone. If you’re like me, you have been waiting YEARS for this opportunity (I’ve been waiting for over 15 years!). I am so excited to be sharing this information with you. Just let him know you heard about this through It is just one way of thanking him for his desire to help those of us who have never had this type of opportunity before. I assure you, I am not getting paid for this blog post. He doesn’t even know I am doing it.

Here’s to new horizons!

I will be sharing this journey with you on my blog and forum so if you haven’t signed up for my forum, we’d like to have you on board!


Disclaimer: All posts are describing my personal journey through health issues and are in no way meant to guide anyone towards any method in particular. I am not a medical practitioner or have a dietary or medical license, and this blog is not intended to be taken as authoritative advice. Please see your doctor, or health professional before making any drastic diet changes! Also, occasionally I find others to partner with whom I have had tremendous help from and therefore, there may be paid advertisements and links to support them and help me financially run this website.
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16 responses to “Can Hashimotos Thyroiditis be Reversed?”

  1. aries123 Avatar

    Hi Maureen,

    I’m glad to hear you’ve found relief for your symptoms. I’ve just found out & is very scared. I’m looking into Dr. Boydston. My regular Endo has dumped me by the wayside & told me all I need is more meds, which doesn’t work. I would sure love to talk to you in person, if you’re ok with it.

  2. maureen Avatar


    I am currently waiting to get a bunch of lab tests back so I will not know how we will approach treatment until the end of this month (Sept. 2010). The relief I have is only emotional at this point since we can’t do anything until he sees my lab work but there IS hope.

    You should at least consider a consultation with him and maybe you will get some better direction.

    Take care.


  3. Rainey Avatar

    Hi Maureen,

    I want to thank you for putting this information online. I had been consulting with Dr. Boydston since March 2010 and due to some family issues and a surgery I haven’t had my 3rd consult yet.

    I went gluten free also and didn’t see my antibody levels drop either so I understand the shock that you must have felt as I did also.

    I think it’s a great idea that people that have Hashimoto’s try to get the root of this problem together by sharing experiences.

    I will say however, I did notice improvement in the pain in my joints and lost 30 pounds going gluten and sugar free so that is a plus. I didn’t see any improvement in mental clarity or energy levels though and I was hoping I would have.

  4. maureen Avatar

    How wonderful to hear of your journey. I wish you were able to report more success going gluten free but as we all know, this disease, or should I say “the root of this disease” is probably a bit more complicated than just going off of gluten (although I am sure it is a giant component). Perhaps healing of the gut requires more support by complimentary healing modalities. I hope we can continue to share our journey’s as we move forward. It is difficult when life events get in the way of continuing in treatment. I may not be able to go gluten free until January but I hope to attack other parts of my healing after seeing some test results that might reveal other issues, like possibly a chronic infection or parasites, etc.

    Would love for you to continue to comment on my blog. I really appreciate feedback from others.

    Take care and hope you can get back to Dr. Boydston soon!


  5. park Avatar

    How have the results been?
    WHat’s your current diet approach on dealing with hashis?

  6. tktrinity Avatar

    I have Hashimoto’s, and gluten intolerance. What most people do not understand about gluten is that it is in Everything. I have a 6 page list, 2 columns on each page, listing all the names that are used in order to hide gluten. Many of which are latin, and less likely to be figured as gluten. For instance, most of the time when you buy something that says, “natural flavorings” or “natural preservatives” will 9/10 times be gluten. Soy sauce, Worcester sauce, most canned soups, etc….all contain gluten. Also, many products are processed in facilities where wheat, barley or rye are processed, so you run the risk of gluten contamination. Oats can be a problem as well, because they are usually processed where wheat is. You can, however, by specifically gluten free oats. The article didn’t indicate if you had the mind boggling list of names for gluten, or if you knew just how many things contained the nasty stuff. I just wanted to throw that info out there, because since going gluten free and receiving treatment for Hashi’s I’ve lost 75lbs, have regained most of my energy, and I feel better than I have since I was 15 years old. I realize that not every one will respond to any treatment the same way, but knowing how much out there contains the gluten you might want to give it another go. Thanks for the articles! They are very informative, and it’s always nice to hear from people dealing with this and not just coming from a strictly academic standpoint. Love the site!

  7. drahaskell Avatar

    Dimmer?? RUBBISH!! I’ve been a practicing physician for 27 years and the whole premise that most doctors present is that with Hashimoto’s the immune system is attacking the thyroid gland…RUBBISH

    The thyroid gland was inflammed long before the person develops Hashimotos. Hashimotos is the result of thyroid inflammation not the cause of it.

    Inflammation causes accelerated aging of thyroid cells which start to die pre-maturely and when they do they release their contents including the enzyme Thyroperoxidase and the protein Thyroglobulin, and then the antibodies are formed since these should not be outside the cells.

    So what do these doctors think… that our immune system is actually attacking like pyrrhanas the outer membranes of our thyroid cells because they somehow know that inside there’s this enzyme and protein???? RUBBISH

    It’s because with Hashimotos their thyroid cells are breaking down at a faster rate than a person who doesn’t have Hashimotos….

    EVERYONE HAS THYROID ANTIBODIES!!!! Just that those whose thyroid cells are breaking down more quickly due to thyroid inflammation have higher levels of antibodies.

    I know Dr. K’s work and I’ve done my own. I’ve treated lots of Hashimoto’s patients successfully. Not all 100% because of other issues such as heavy metals, root canals, poor gut ecology or they wouldn’t stop gluten but come on guys… we are blaming what we don’t understand on genetics and viruses…..

    Look at the facts… My book has over 70 references to medical journal articles from around the world that prove the origin of Hashimotos and it has nothing to do with genetics. We’ve also proven effective treatments using specific nutrients and the importance of avoiding gluten, and how to use thyroid hormones safely to reduce inflammation….

    But if you think it’s Armour you have been duped again. If your physician has recommended Armour they don’t know what they are doing….

    Think about it… the pig thyroid gland is almost identical to the human thyroid gland… and what do you think is inside of the pig thyroid cells???
    Thyroperoxidase and Thyroglobulin and when your Rx passes through the digestive enzymes and is broken down… guess what is released and absorbed and continues to activate those thyroid antibodies….

    Whew.. .my finger tips are hot… anyway I’d love to have a panel discussion on this condition, which by the way I do consider a condition and not a disease because it can be reversed and because it’s origin is a specific nutrient deficiency.

    Thanks for ‘listening’…. Dr. Haskell

  8. CAROL Avatar

    I’m so excited to find this site. To find a path through this after knowing in my heart that there had to be a better way.

    So is the method to clean up my diet/digestion whilst still taking my Thyroxine 100mg?

  9. maureen Avatar

    It is a VERY big step! So glad you found this post. I am so happy to be able to post it and be able to tell everyone how this simple step of going gluten free has helped me! Take care! And come over to our Facebook page and let us know how you are doing! 🙂

  10. Melusina99 Avatar

    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s 5 months ago. I immediately went gluten free and my TPO went from 809 down to 666 in 2 months. I started consulting with Dr. Boydston in December. We’ve started a couple of supplements (glutathione recycler & nitric balance) but we are still trying to determine if I’m TH-1 or TH-2 dominant. I’m not really feeling physically better yet, but like Maureen, I feel relieved emotionally that I’ve found a Dr. willing to help me…..I know I’ll get stronger and better with each passing day. Thanks for starting this website/discussion group. Information is so powerful!

  11. morrison7 Avatar

    I feel so crappy no energy. I was diagnosed a month ago and my nutritionist gave me some nutrients that made me feel worst.I do hope there is help for me.Thanks for your website.

  12. maureen Avatar

    Hi and thank you for your comment. Consider using an over-the-phone functional medicine doctor (mine is very reasonable in price compared to others I’ve check into) and someone that will test you for other root issues, not just Hashimoto’s. Consider also going off of gluten (fully) if you haven’t already. It is amazing how that can make a huge difference. See my “gluten” posts in order to get a grasp of what that means if you are not familiar with it. Also, don’t be too discouraged…there is much more research linking Hashimoto’s and other autoimmune diseases to leaky gut which when addressed, can be one of the most effective treatments for these conditions. At the moment, I am encouraged by the possibilities of the GAPS diet which you might also want to check into as a very effective first step. Hope something here helped you feel encouraged. Check out my Facebook page too on the right side of my blog. We are all helping each other and in this together! Take care, Mo 🙂

  13. rainglogirl Avatar

    GAP diet information is really interesting. Is there anyone out there who could comment on the Paleo Diet which I think is similar? They say no dairy, grains, beans, stay away from processed foods, snack foods, eat pastured (grass fed) meats, organic whenever possible . . . . . . I’m just starting on this but would very much appreciate anyone’s wisdom regarding Paleo and it’s effect on those of us with autoimmune issues, particularly Hashimoto’s. Have known about leaky gut issues for many years, but appreciate how many more people are educating all of us on it these days. Back in my first experience, I did not get that grains were main culprite, and perhaps not enough research had been done back than. Such a simple change seems to be life changing for many and you don’t have to starve yourself or go to extremes to get healthier. I am really hopeful that reversing Hashimoto’s will be part of my life experience!! Thanks to all who share here…..GB

  14. maureen Avatar

    Gloria, I really think the first step for change is just eliminating grains and for some people, diary. After that, the different diets have different focuses. For autoimmune disease, I think GAPS has the strongest leading for success but Paleo and the SCD diet have helped many, many people. It just depends on the person and whether they are looking for immediate relief but not necessarily full healing (which is a very dedicated journey) but for just halting the main symptoms, I think all these diets are a great start. I did “Paleo” for 30 days before going gluten free and immediately lost 20 pounds so that was a nice surprise for someone not able to lose weight even when barely eating anything (quantity wise). I was always surprised that the theory “calories in, calories out” never worked for some people, including myself. Now I realize it is likely due to the fact that many of us have reactions to certain foods. Taking these common “culprits” out of the diet gives many of us a “clean slate” to work off of, allowing us to determine much better, which foods are doing us well and which are not. It is quite a process! However, with the GAPS Diet, it goes a LOT farther by attempting to add in the good bacteria to populate the gut and giving the body time to rebuild. Don’t quote me on this but I think the idea is to; remove, rebuild, and re-flourish. The bone broths are a large part of the GAPS diet which helps heal the gut and nourish every part of the body. That is the best plan I think. The SCD diet does include homemade yogurt but that is about it that I know of. Paleo, as far as I know (and I am NOT an expert in this) is more geared towards body building and those working on lean body mass. So, I don’t know if I helped at all but in the end, I think the more we move into the idea of nourishing the body with healing ingredients, working on re-building the tissues, the better chance we have to see reversal of autoimmune diseases. But time will tell as we all continue they journey of healing. Sounds like you’ve done GREAT so far. If you haven’t already, please come join my Hashimoto’s Support Group on my Facebook page where many others can benefit from your input and hopefully help support you too! Thank you for your comment! Maureen

  15. nancy Avatar

    I read that anti bodies causees a person to have Has Himoto disease; my thyroid DR. has put me on 200 Mcg meds; to shrink my hashimoto problem; I have ( hypo Thyroisism / Hashimoto disease;( does any one know how to reverse this problem ? ) I read some where that ( rose tea) is suppose to help ! or some kind of other ( herbal Meds) from a Accupunture place; Rsvp Nancy back ;p.s I was thinking of getting the book( gut& psychology syndrome) or book; ( stop the thyroid madness)

  16. maureen Avatar

    Nancy – The GAPS Diet helps heal the gut which when compromised has been linked to autoimmune disease. I highly recommend the diet for anyone having serious symptoms from any autoimmune disease. You can also look around on our Facebook support group and see if others are able to give input to your questions there. Take care!

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